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Frame Light Dimmable - 120x80 cm LED light mirror w/ regulation

7.295 DKK

Frame Light Dimmable 120x80 cm LED light mirror with switch/touch & dimmer in one, with regulation from warm to strong lighting.

ID: 7352310687
Stock: On stock
Categories: MIRROR, Frame Light, Mirrors with light

High-end design mirror from Pulcher, with integrated LED light, built into the mirror's minimalist lighting frame.
The LED illuminance can be regulated between 3500-6500K, especially suitable for bathroom mirrors, where there is a need for optimal face lighting.

Frame lighting mirrors from Pulcher Design are delivered complete and ready for installation.
Transformer and junction box are mounted in the middle on the back of the mirror.

Can be mounted horizontally or vertically, the touch/switch is mounted on the side of the mirror, in the lower right corner, if the mirror is mounted in the other direction, the touch/switch will be located at the bottom or top.

CE marked and IP44 approved, connects directly to 230V.

Mirror depth incl. back edge is 35 mm.

Technical drawing

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