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Contract 120 - 120x40 cm Washbasin, Mathvid SolidTec®

15.500 DKK

Contract 120 - 120x40 cm Washbasin, Mathvid SolidTec®

ID: 715261539
Stock: On stock
Categories: BASIN, Store XL & large washbasins 70 + cm, Corian & SolidTec, - Pulcher

Stylish double sink in a timeless design by Henry Pulcher, made in a delicious and exclusive matte white solid surface.

Dimensions: 120 x 40 x 15h cm.

The Contract 120 sink has a minimalist design with a hidden drain and rear edge for practical storage, made of solid and easy-to-clean SolidTec®.

The sink can be easily and elegantly combined with wood, glossy or matte white furniture, just as solid surface products are often combined with glossy sanitary products, such as toilets, bathtubs etc.

SolidTec® is easy to clean and the material withstands all cleaning agents.

Can be wall mounted via 2 sets of mounting bolts, these should be purchased separately.

The sink is delivered without a tap hole, tap hole drilling can be purchased separately - See related products.

Fitting, mounting bolts, bottom valve and water trap are not included, these parts are purchased separately - See related products.

Technical drawing

Some goods are sent directly from our sub-supplier, other goods are sent from our own warehouse, therefore the shipping method may vary. The size of the item determines whether the order is sent as a package or on a pallet. Delivery can therefore be carried out by post, carrier or similar. We will try to collect the goods in as few deliveries as possible, and we want the receipt of the orders to take place as easily and quickly as possible for you as a customer.

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