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Semplice SHV101 - Matt Black

6.425 DKK

Semplice SHV101 - 1-lever basin mixer, Matt black

ID: 7352312160
Stock: On stock
Categories: Basin mixers, Semplice, Semplice, FIXTURES

Stylish and timeless design fixture in solid construction with ceramic valve, extremely user-friendly operation, aesthetically made in solid and sustainable quality materials.

Get Danish design and high quality for your stylish bathroom, the series is made in the usual high Semplice quality, where no compromises have been made.

Function and design go into a higher unity, the functional ease of use is superior, the spout's filter is integrated into the spout, so that you get rid of the typical transition from spout to sleeve, which completes the design qualities, not only looks more beautiful, but also . easier cleaning.

5 year drip guarantee and lifetime spare parts guarantee.

Handle incl. 10 mm. mounting hoses.

Bottom valve should be purchased additionally - See related products.

Note: This product is KIWA certified.

The KIWA approval is an international certification that shows that a product complies with the relevant standards and regulations for quality, safety and environmental sustainability. If you buy a fixture that is KIWA-approved, you can be sure that it has been tested and assessed to ensure that it complies with the relevant standards and regulations in Denmark.

The KIWA approval is a guarantee that the fixture is of high quality and meets the requirements for safety and durability. This also means that you can be sure that the fixture is suitable for use in Denmark and will function optimally for many years to come.

When you buy a KIWA approved fixture, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have invested in a high quality product that has been tested and rated by an independent third party. So if you want a guarantee that your fixture is correctly approved in Denmark, the KIWA approval is your guarantee of choosing the right product.

Technical drawing

Some goods are sent directly from our sub-supplier, other goods are sent from our own warehouse, therefore the shipping method may vary. The size of the item determines whether the order is sent as a package or on a pallet. Delivery can therefore be carried out by post, carrier or similar. We will try to collect the goods in as few deliveries as possible, and we want the receipt of the orders to take place as easily and quickly as possible for you as a customer.

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